Sunday, March 4, 2007

To Myself

I wanted to write to you, because I never get to tell you what I’m feeling. I need to congratulate you and also apologize . . . .so here it is, your letter from me to myself.

You try so hard and still I am disappointed. You’re a really strong person and deal with problems so well, so much better than your parents. You study when you can and sometimes too much and the pressure I put on you is horrific! But still, you struggle through and achieve what I demand.

I hope one day you will have an excellent job and more importantly be happy, but I know something will go wrong in your life and I will blame you. I haven’t had a tragedy in my life so I think it will happen and I might just breakdown.

You always surprise me and make me happy and cheer me up and make me proud because you are an amazing, inspiring, confusing, dysfunctional person. Your intelligent makes me feel astounded but sometimes I feel frustrated with your mental limits. I want you to do what no one else does, I want you to make heads turn and impress everyone that you know. Your emotions are quite remarkable, because you can cope with other people. So, I’d like to take this opportunity to say: well done!

I think it’s funny that you’re not religious but find it strangely spiritual when people come together like in a church or when they cheer together or when strangers talk to you. I find that weird but comforting.

I don’t tell you this often enough but I love you! I know you’ll never leave me and whatever happens you will stick by me to figure it out. Good luck for the future and I apologize in advance for being a huge burden all of the time.

I know you’re the only person I will truly know and truly understand, or at least try to understand. And I know that you are the only one who shall love me for exactly what I am and what I look like and what I do so, thanks for everything!

Dear Robot

Next month will be two years since I left you. Two years since that day I called you and told you that I would not be coming back home to ...