As some of you know, especially Boyfriend, I have not had sex since around October. I decided to live in abstinence, not for any religious reason- I don't have religion- but because I no longer felt compelled to have sex. At least, I did not feel compelled to have sex or make love with my boyfriend or any boy, man, penis-having vessel at all. Maybe some people can see where this is going. Maybe some people cannot.
Why? Why is it that I have been unable to get down and dirty with my loved one. Oh, I think I know. I think I have known for some time, but alas, I do not wish to admit such things. Oh yes. That is right. I think I might be- not bisexual as I thought before- but a lesbian. At first I dismissed this idea completely; after all, I have had sex with a guy before. I lost my virginity at a younger age by choice because I like the idea of sex. I like the feeling of two hot sweaty bodies entwined. But, you see, I have grown disinterested in all men. All of them. Every single one that is not a television personality. I think guys are attractive to look at, but I cannot see myself having sex with any of them. Oh damn. Oh damn. This does cause quite the problem now, doesn't it?
I think I am a lesbian. I hate terminology and labels like that, but I think of it and it makes me content. Am I going crazy? Obviously I am okay with the idea of two chics being together- sexually, romantically, emotionally, whatever-ly. I started recognizing my interest in the "fairer sex" when I was a wee little middle school kid. I was twelve. Since then I discovered I DEFINITELY can be turned on by girls. I can DEFINITELY be physically and romantically involved with girls. That is not what is in question here. Can I do the same with guys? I don't feel like I can. I care strongly about the person I am with, so much that I fear breaking his heart. It makes me terribly sad when I think of it. However, I know for a fact he does not want to be in a relationship where abstinance is forced upon him. He said so himself. He is so wonderful, though. He trruly cares. Sometimes I wish we stayed close friends. That is where it seems we are coming to now. Oh, I have no idea.
Valentine's Day is coming up. I hate the idea of breaking hearts. Valentine's Day can be such a cruel holiday. However, I love it. I love love. That truth will never change. Whether I love boys or girls or both... damn, I hope my friends, family, everyone in my life- I hope they can love me. The very same. Because I will always love them.
Signed/Love/Something or Other,
PS: I am too scared to show anyone this. Maybe I will send it to OpenLetter.