When you were lying in that hospital bed, I hope you could hear me. I hope you could hear my tell you about how good Detroit was doing in the play offs. I know they have always been your favorite. I hope you could hear me telling you about little Zachary, and how big he is getting. But most of all, I hope you could hear me tell you I love you. It was the first time I had ever told you that. 16 years of my life went by, without ever telling you, or really any member of my family how much I appreciate them. I think I over used the words "I love you" to useless men, and friends who I really wouldn't notice if I never spoke to again. But to you, someone who is one of the most gentle, and giving men I have ever met, I had not ever uttered those three little words. I can still remember the time when you and grandma took me to McDonalds, and you ate all of the little crispy fries I wouldn't eat. You said they were your favorites. They are my favorites now. I meant it when I told you I loved you. I should have said a hundred times before, but at this point hoping you heard me is all I can wish. I love you Grandpa.
PS. I haven't been able to eat a Werther's carmel since you left. They just don't taste the same.
These are the letters we wanted to send or should have sent, but didn't. Send your letter to Open Letter. You may sign your letter or not. It's up to you.
Dear Robot
Next month will be two years since I left you. Two years since that day I called you and told you that I would not be coming back home to ...
The last time I saw you, I was fourteen years old. I walked out those double doors while you held one and Cliff held the other. At the time,...
You are my one weakness. Others can do or say the same things to me, but it?s your voice and your charm that I can?t escape. Just hearing ...
From time to time I wish I had my grandmother’s ring, which, of course, makes me think of you. I never thought that a material thing could m...