Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Dear Grandpa

When you were lying in that hospital bed, I hope you could hear me. I hope you could hear my tell you about how good Detroit was doing in the play offs. I know they have always been your favorite. I hope you could hear me telling you about little Zachary, and how big he is getting. But most of all, I hope you could hear me tell you I love you. It was the first time I had ever told you that. 16 years of my life went by, without ever telling you, or really any member of my family how much I appreciate them. I think I over used the words "I love you" to useless men, and friends who I really wouldn't notice if I never spoke to again. But to you, someone who is one of the most gentle, and giving men I have ever met, I had not ever uttered those three little words. I can still remember the time when you and grandma took me to McDonalds, and you ate all of the little crispy fries I wouldn't eat. You said they were your favorites. They are my favorites now. I meant it when I told you I loved you. I should have said a hundred times before, but at this point hoping you heard me is all I can wish. I love you Grandpa.

PS. I haven't been able to eat a Werther's carmel since you left. They just don't taste the same.

Dear Robot

Next month will be two years since I left you. Two years since that day I called you and told you that I would not be coming back home to ...