All I want to do is tell someone how alone I feel, but that's the trouble with feeling lonely, you don't have anyone to talk to, for all the bullshit people say 'just say something and it'll flow', it never makes it better, trust me, I know from experience. Nothing is easy to do when you hate yourself, most mornings I don't even try to look good anymore, I've given up my hope of that, what's the point, I won't have the guts to talk to anyone, let alone someone I like.
I just dress somewhat nice for myself, to give myself something to feel slightly good about, black is the only colour I always know is in, that's why I wear it. I'm not a member of the black parade, I'm a genuinely lonely person who can't figure out if they actually enjoy being depressed and lonely or whether I really am both of the above but think I can't be that pathetic.
I like listening to depressing songs to embrace my sadness, but they're all so catchy, it gets me going and enjoying it, until I realise how bad I felt moments ago and just give in. my best friend couldn't even tell me he'd moved out of his flat and I criticise him for it, but he doesn't understand me. He doesn't understand the little things matter so much to me, because it's all I have left. The last girl I was interested in criticised how my reactions were so varied, how I had no 'medium' setting, but emotion is all I have inside of me, I don't have any hope any more, I'm just going through the motions, praying one day I'll say something aloud, praying I can get the courage to tell everyone I just want to be saved. I want to save people, I want the world to be a good place.
But I won't let myself.
I'm full of self-importance, self-hatred, self-pity, self-examination, I'm so involved in me that I can't even justify helping anyone else, everybody stopped listening anyway. And I blame you Dave. You're death put me in the worst funk I've ever been in, as bad as I was before, now I just can't… i…
Gemma, you will probably never know how important you were to me, I genuinely loved you, I would've done anything for you at one point, I'm not sure I'd ever have done that for Joe and Joel as much as I insisted I would. That night you told me about that guy basically forcing you to have sex with him I was going to go through your phone and find out where he lived and do whatever I could to him. I wanted to beat him, but for all my threats I wouldn't, because I can never follow through, i couldn't even tell you how I felt, and so I pushed you away, and you reacted, as I knew you would. I like to think I knew you better than you thought, but you were never predictable, you were never boring, you were you, for all your faults, for all your glory, you knew who you were, even if you couldn't see what you wanted to be.
Joel, I'm sorry I'm not a better friend, you should've given up on me a long time ago, I don't pay attention always, I fear seeing you because you're such a good guy and you deserve a better friend than me. You're the nicest person I've ever met and everyone agrees, I love you more than words can say, I fear you as well, because you're the person I wish I was in every single way.
Mum and dad… I resent you, it's a cliché, but I do, mum, when you lied to me about going to a shrink, I've never forgiven you, and I doubt I ever will. You always say you know what I'm going through, but you don't, you didn't have dad, but you had all the girls, and you know you did, you ahd them because you WOULD talk to them, not because youcould, because you would. I don't have that honour. Dad, I'm just sorry I'm not the man you wish I was, every time I talk to you I feel like I've shamed you, I want to make you proud, but I just can't, I'm not anything you are, I love you, but only because we're blood, you make me feel so weak, I know you don't try to, but you just do.
Zoe and mark, I wish you so much happiness, mark you are the most amusing guy ever, the fact you even acknowledge I'm in the house makes me smile because you don't feel like you have to like everyone else, you want to say hello. Zoe, I wish I could still tell you everything, I feel like you abandoned me when I most needed it, but you had a life and boys to contend with, but don't think for a moment I resent you, if it weren't for you I WOULD be dead, you're my big baby sister and you're probably the only person in the world I'll ever be able to be honest with. Please save me
I'm, trying to give up my most horrid addiction, which I can't even type here, I feel such shame for it and I'm afraid it's only time before I give into it again, I would never act upon impulses, it's not in my nature, thankfully, but I hate myself for it. It could hurt me so much I could never explain,. And I'm sorry. To me more than anyone.
These are the letters we wanted to send or should have sent, but didn't. Send your letter to Open Letter. You may sign your letter or not. It's up to you.
Monday, May 7, 2007
Dear Robot
Next month will be two years since I left you. Two years since that day I called you and told you that I would not be coming back home to ...
The last time I saw you, I was fourteen years old. I walked out those double doors while you held one and Cliff held the other. At the time,...
You are my one weakness. Others can do or say the same things to me, but it?s your voice and your charm that I can?t escape. Just hearing ...
From time to time I wish I had my grandmother’s ring, which, of course, makes me think of you. I never thought that a material thing could m...