Saturday, May 26, 2007

Dear Bitchy Parents

I am a high school teacher and I am sick and tired of hearing about how it is my fault that your student is doing poorly in my class. Do you know your children? Have you ever witnessed how they act when you are not around? They are terrors from hell a good majority of the time. Your child probably craves attention from his classmates so bad because you don't give it to him at home. Yes, I would be much happier if your child were home-schooled because then you could ATTEMPT to teach them too. I love my job but it is kids like yours that make me wonder why the heck I put myself through the torture.

Do you honestly think that with 25 students in a classroom for 50 minutes 6 times a day that I have time to monitor your son/daughter every minute of the day to make sure he/she is doing what he/she is supposed to be doing? I would much rather focus on my students that aren't annoying pains-in-my-ass that are actually here to learn.

Quit blaming the stinking school systems for failing your children when you obviously are a horrible parent that will never let your kid take any of the blame for being a complete ass day in and day out. I probably make half of what you do (yes, please tell me you have a degree too, it makes you sound soooo much smarter) while I babysit your brat, so don't even complain to me about not being at home enough. I TAKE MY WORK HOME EVERYDAY! There is no such thing as "Leave it at the office" in this profession.

So please, do me a favor- with all your extra money, come build a two way mirror into my room so you can see how much restraint it takes on my part not to slap your kid silly on a daily basis. Until you can do that, keep your mouth shut and let me do my job, without interference from you because you got your grade report a week late (shouldn't your kid keep track of his/her own grade anyways!?!!). Since it is now nearing five and I have been "technically" out of work for about 2 hours now I'd like to go home where you or you kid cannot and will not annoy me.

A Teacher

Dear Robot

Next month will be two years since I left you. Two years since that day I called you and told you that I would not be coming back home to ...