You don't know how much your presence has empowered me over the years. I have fought back dark thoughts, ill portents, and dire compulsions all for you. By being around, this hollow, sorry form is made better and whole. But I've never told you.
Fears for our future, for the children we will one day have, and the lessons we will attempt to instill in them constantly mock with their torments. The idea that I could fail not only you, but the tiny lives we will bring into the world paralyzes me with terror. But I've never told you.
Questions about our relationship, though my love for you is deeper than space and time, swim nonchalantly through a mental menagerie, wild and untamed. If you were to waste a future on me, forgiveness would be denied for the offence perpetrated. The future is a scary thing, and though you only think on it, it has tainted me with depression and mal-content. But I've never told you.
The stresses that plague you, the doubts that fill your mind, even the demons of the past and present that gnaw at your will and determination, they all weigh down on me as well. The stress of my life is sometimes too much for me to bear. I weep in the night, alone, always after you've called and released your pain onto me, gave it to me to hold and carry. I show no weakness, you need my strength, but the cracks are beginning to show. The pillars and supports are starting to wear. But I've never told you.
And for your sake, I never will.
With all the love my heart, body, and soul will ever be able to give.
These are the letters we wanted to send or should have sent, but didn't. Send your letter to Open Letter. You may sign your letter or not. It's up to you.
Dear Robot
Next month will be two years since I left you. Two years since that day I called you and told you that I would not be coming back home to ...
The last time I saw you, I was fourteen years old. I walked out those double doors while you held one and Cliff held the other. At the time,...
You are my one weakness. Others can do or say the same things to me, but it?s your voice and your charm that I can?t escape. Just hearing ...
From time to time I wish I had my grandmother’s ring, which, of course, makes me think of you. I never thought that a material thing could m...