I just want to say thank you. Thank you for having this wonderful website. In the process of writing my letter, I find 2 letters that sum up mine perfectly.
The "Dear Eric" post on Sunday, June 03, 2007 perfectly captures the feelings i hold for my ex. It was like it was written by me it's so uncanny!
Second, the "Dear Jim" letter posted Wednesday, June 06, 2007, perfectly describes the relationship i have with my current boyfriend/manfriend/Master. However, i am a woman, and my Master is a man, so change out the gender bits, and it's perfect.
It's because of my ex that i have my current relationship. My ex is a fuck that wanted me more "experienced" since i haven't dated much, and found me a "sexual trainer". not so long after that, i dump the ex, and i gain a wonderful relationship that i've JUST started to think of me deserving such wonderful treatment, over a year and half later. i hope that person that wrote the "Dear Jim" is having just at much fun and is feeling as special as i do when i'm with my special guy.
These are the letters we wanted to send or should have sent, but didn't. Send your letter to Open Letter. You may sign your letter or not. It's up to you.
Dear Robot
Next month will be two years since I left you. Two years since that day I called you and told you that I would not be coming back home to ...
The last time I saw you, I was fourteen years old. I walked out those double doors while you held one and Cliff held the other. At the time,...
You are my one weakness. Others can do or say the same things to me, but it?s your voice and your charm that I can?t escape. Just hearing ...
From time to time I wish I had my grandmother’s ring, which, of course, makes me think of you. I never thought that a material thing could m...