Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Damn you

For almost five years now you've made me feel special. You gave me that extra bit of pride every week. Knowing that I was special. Considering myself among the elite of society as I moved past my friends and family with speed and grace.

I never quite understood why I loved you. It made no sense. But I felt obliged. Like I was following the expected trend. Reading the instructions. Doing what was expected of me.

Over time, you became more demanding. I think you let the rest of the world creep in to our life. You became proud, and your hubris was obvious. You took more and more from me. Did you think I wouldn't notice?

A good friend finally opened my eyes. The idea of change scared me at first. What if something went wrong? I knew you were always dependable. Could I afford to leave that security behind?

So I read. And slept. And prayed.

My first time was last week. It almost felt like cheating. My curiosity won over and I went through with it. But I know you know. You saw the whole thing.

And now? Things are fine. The wheels haven't stopped turning. I'm still moving along as free as ever. Just without you.

I won't pay your price any more. We are done. The labels in my life no longer matter. I'll do what i want.

That's right, you heard me! Premium gasoline, I will never pay your extra 20 cents per gallon again. My Lexus runs fine on unleaded, thank you. Good luck finding some other poor sap to overcharge, I'm free of your spell.

Say hello to Midgrade for me.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahaha LOVE IT

Dear Robot

Next month will be two years since I left you. Two years since that day I called you and told you that I would not be coming back home to ...